Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Fatty Liver In India – When the fat starts accumulating in the liver, the situation arises i.e. fatty liver. Awareness among people towards a healthy lifestyle has resulted in people opting for Ayurvedic treatment. The market size of medications for fatty liver in 2022 was $20 Billion. It’s expected to grow by over a CAGR of 5% in the next ten years. The best Ayurvedic medicine for fatty liver in India will help treat fatty liver naturally free from side effects.

The fatty liver is also known as steatotic liver disease. It may be of two types i.e. alcoholic fatty liver as well as non-alcoholic fatty liver. The excessive consumption of alcohol causes the former. The latter is caused by other reasons than alcohol. We will provide you with a list of the best Ayurvedic medicines for fatty liver in India. The brands available in the list are reliable as well as have high market value.

Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Fatty Liver In India

Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Fatty Liver in India

Ayurveda is the most ancient recommended method for curing the diseases. We have taken into concern the demand as well as the quality availability of the products at reasonable prices. The brands may be composed of ingredients that may react with allopathic medicines. Therefore you need to consult before consuming. The list will help you in curing fatty liver and is as follows.


Arlak Ayurveda deals in the manufacture of Regliv liver capsules from among the best Ayurvedic medicine for fatty liver in India. The company has high market value owing to its quality as well as innovative formulation. The range of the product varies from capsules to syrups.


While dealing with the brand following are the features to be considered.

  • The company is approved by the Ayush Ministry.
  • The ingredients are bhringraj, punarnava, bhumi amla as well as kalmegh.
  • Owing to its Ayurvedic nature the brand is free from side effects.
  • It helps in the treatment of various liver diseases i.e. fatty liver, Cirrhosis as well as liver enlargement.
  • It helps in improving the food desire further leading to good immunity.


Himalaya, the leading brand in the market is the manufacturer of this brand. The company is known for its healing properties with the usage of natural products. Therefore mostly preferred by mothers for their babies. The ingredients involve chicory as well as the caper bush. Chicory is known to protect the liver from alcohol toxins. The caper bush is famous for exhibiting antioxidant properties.


Kotakkal manufactures the famous as well as ancient brand i.e. Livokot known in Ayurveda. The company is ISO, GMP as well as WHO-approved. Therefore one should not doubt the authenticity of the products it provides. The brand has its place in the best Ayurvedic medicine for fatty liver in India. The medicine to be taken can range from one to two tablets a day or be taken as recommended.

The composition of the brand includes kiratatikta as well as thamalaki in equal proportion i.e. 3.333 gm along with pippali in 1.333 gm. The preservatives include methyl paraben sodium as well as propyl paraben sodium.


Vaidyaratnam deals in the manufacturing of the brand Sudarsanarishta. The phrase Ayurveda was first of all introduced by the former Chairman as well as Managing director of Vaidyaratnam Group. This depicts that the company is ancient as well as has progressed a lot in its field. The company has its operations in Kerala. Kerala is known for its transformation into a paradise of health, peace as well as prosperity. 

The composition of the brand includes chitrak, devdaru, sandalwood, Giloy, ushira as well as turmeric. The dosage of the medicine may vary from age, gender as well as medical history of the patient.


Zandu is a renowned company and medicine from this company will be present in your house. Livital is a brand placed among the best Ayurvedic medicine for fatty liver in India. It’s rich in curing liver-related disorders. It also helps in proper digestion function as well as improving appetite. The ingredients it includes are bhringraj, guduchi, thamalaki, kalmegh, raktapunarnava, katuka, vidanga, rohitaka as well as kasani. The dose is to be taken twice daily or as prescribed. The medicine may react with allopathic medicine so you need to consume it with care.

Liver Re-live Juice 1000ml

The brand is manufactured under the famous company Krishna. The brand is composed of makoy, harshringar, and daru haridra. Enjoy the sugar-free juice along with its healing qualities. Some people avoid taking tablets. This refreshing drink can prove to be of great value to them.

Ayurvedic Herbs

The herbs that play an important role in the curing of fatty liver are as follows. Katuki, bhumyamalaki, kalmegh, amla, punarnava, guduchi,haritaki, turmeric, bhringraj. Known for healing properties each herb has its importance. The blend of Triphala as well as haritaki has proved over the years to detoxify as well as improve digestion issues. The two features are closely related to provide relief for liver-related problems.

Final Words

Fatty liver is to be treated as soon as possible. The best Ayurvedic medicine for fatty liver in India has proved effective as well as are available at reasonable prices. The ingredients present in the medicine may react with the allopathic medicines. Each body type is different so is the reaction. Some Ayurvedic medicines may cause allergic reactions. Here arises the requirement for the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner






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